Each element makes up the much talked about puzzle of Big Data, which all the digital marketers in the world are trying to compose, control and reshape. To customize every type of communication. So that advertising no longer even appears as such to us. Without even fully realizing it, we which arrives tailor-made for us . We no longer belong to a cold target group, we are individuals and suddenly products and services speak in a perfectly coherent way to our personal tastes, our most intimate expectations, our precise needs and interests. This is the essence of content marketing, which is currently the fulcrum of every important digital strategy.
The need to apply filters to the chaos of information that targets us on every medium or device, moreover, is now a common denominator even for non-professional "communicators". Starting from the choice of media: excluding Facebook which remains the generalist social Mobile Phone Number network par excellence (let's not forget that Zuckerberg aims to make it synonymous in all respects with the Internet), the others have specific prerogatives and functions. Preferring one over the other for communication is equivalent to sifting through certain needs to respond to. A catchy headline is no longer enough. Think of Facebook's anti-hoax button or communities like Spoiler posts that leave half-baked information, which if appropriately mentioned, with a summary comment, exempts you from reading an article with a flirty title, but with content that is probably not as interesting.
The same goes for our interlocutors. If in the early years the trend on social media was to share as much content as possible with the greatest number of people, today the trend is instead to personally create increasingly relevant posts for your contacts. We ourselves target our network, divide it into lists, circles, groups and create specific posts for each category. Not to mention the growing weight of 1to1 communication, as underlined by the latest We Are Social, Digital, Social and Mobile 2015 report. In fact, on a global level (despite the excessive power of Facebook, which has 1.36 billion active users), the growth trend of instant messaging services continues: