Joint-stock company from November indicates that some of the regulations clearly indicate that a given issue may be regulated differently under the company agreement. Such regulations include: art. § of the Commercial Companies Code, which concerns equal contributions to all shares of a given shareholder the company's articles of association may provide that the shares are covered one after the other, so that after a partial contribution is made, some of the shares will be fully covered ; art. § of the Commercial Companies.
Codewhich provides that the dividend is distributed in proportion to the number of shares the company's articles of association may provide for other rules, e.g. that part of the profit is allocated to employees ; art. § of the phone number list Commercial Companies Code regarding the transferability of shares the company's facilitating their operation, as well as the need to ensure security and certainty of economic transactions cf. § . Shares of a simple joint-stock company.
The acquisition of shares is regulated in Art. of the Commercial Companies Code, according to which: shares are acquired in exchange for cash or non-cash contributions cf. § ; a non-monetary contribution to cover shares may be any contribution of material value, in or services cf. § ; the shares have no nominal value, do not constitute part of the share capital and are indivisible cf. § . IMPORTANT - the share capital should be at least PLN , and the amount of the share capital is not specified in the company agreement. The provisions on amending the company's articles of association do not apply to changes in the amount of share capital cf. art. of the Commercial Companies Code . Making contributions to a simple joint-stock company Pursuant to the provisions of Art.